
Does your costs agreement work? Key insights for lawyers
A costs agreement can build – or erode – trust and confidence in the lawyer-client relationship. Context, communication, compliance and client focus are the key considerations.

Pricing Tech-leveraged Legal Services – What’s Your Problem?
Pricing legal services is a particularly difficult problem, even before you throw strong technology into the mix. Lawyers are used to dealing with legal problems – by their nature narrow and particular. A broad, messy problem requires quite a different way of thinking.

The Hidden Complexities of Practising Certificates
Practising Certificate (PC) renewal season is upon us, with a hard deadline of 30 June. While you’re in the midst of this process, it’s a good opportunity to think about some of the hidden complexities of PCs. Have you considered why different types of PCs exist, or worried that yours might not be the right fit for your role?